Health and
Chapter 188.
Evils of
1. WHAT do the Scriptures say of wine?
"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever
is deceived thereby is not wise." Prov. 20:1.
NOTE.-All intoxicating drinks are deceptive. They seem to give
strength, but in reality cause weakness; they seem to create heat, but
in fact lower the general temperature; they seem to impart vitality, but
really destroy life; they seem to promote happiness, but cause the
greatest unhappiness and misery. To intemperance may be attributed much
of the world's sorrow.
2. What is one of the evil results of intemperance?
"Be not among wine-bibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: for the
drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty." Prov. 23:20,21.
3. What are other evil effects of intemperance?
"Whoredom and wine and
new wine take away the heart." Hosea 4:11. "They also have
erred through wine, and through strong
drink are out of the way; . . . they err in vision, they stumble in
judgment." Isa. 28:7.
NOTE.-"One of the subtlest effects of this many-sided drug is to
produce a craving for itself, while weakening the will that could resist
that craving."-
"Alcohol," by Dr. Williams, page 48.
4. With what sins is drunkenness classed?
"Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry,
witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions,
heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like."
Gal. 5:19-21.
Page 746
5. What are common accompaniments of intemperance?
"Who hath woe? who
hath sorrow? who hath contentions?
who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath
redness of
eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed
wine." Prov. 23:29,30.
6. How do intoxicants serve one in the end?
"Look not thou upon the wine
when it is red; when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth
itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like
an adder." Verses 31,32.
NOTES.-The effects of alcoholic liquors are thus described in the
American Prohibition Year Book for 1912, pages 26,27:-
"On the
Individual. Alcoholic liquors, whether fermented brewed, or distilled,
are poisonous, increasing greatly the liability to fatal termination of
diseases, weakening and deranging the intellect, polluting the affections, hardening the heart, and corrupting the morals, 'bequeathing
to posterity' a degeneration of physical and moral character.
"On the Family. A disturber and destroyer of its peace, prosperity, and
happiness, and thus removing the sure foundation for good government,
national prosperity and welfare.
"On the Community. Producing demoralization, vice, and wickedness,
counteracting the efficacy of religious efforts and of all means for the
intellectual elevation, moral purity, social happiness. and eternal good
of mankind."
"On the State. Promoting crime and pauperism, paralyzing thrift and
industry, corrupting politics, legislation. and the execution of laws."
Alcohol tends to destroy the higher forms of cells, those directly concerned with the vital processes, particularly the delicate brain-cells,
and to replace them with useless and harmful connective tissue, or what
is commonly known as scar tissue. Reliable statistics demonstrate that
the total abstainer has an advantage of at least twenty-one per cent
over the moderate drinker.
"The offspring of alcoholics show impaired vitality of the most
deep-seated character, such as deformities, neuroses, which may take the
severe forms of chorea, infantile convulsions, epilepsy, or idiocy."-
"Alcohol," page 44.
7. To what extent is intemperance the cause of crime?
A lord chief justice of England declared, "If sifted, nine tenths of
the crime of England and Wales could be traced to drink."-
Page 747
8. What may be said of the use of tobacco?
Being a rank poison, its use is highly injurious.
NOTES.-"Tobacco is the most subtle poison known to chemists,
except the deadly prussic acid."- M. Orfila, president Medical Academy,
"Tobacco is ruinous in our schools and colleges, dwarfing body and
mind."- Dr. Willard Parker.
"I shall not hesitate to pronounce tobacco in young men to be evil,
and only evil, physically, mentally, and morally."- Edward Hitchcock, of
Amherst College.
"The use of intoxicating liquor by men, and the use of cigarettes by
boys, is creating a race of feeble-minded, unhealthy, and valueless
citizens."- John Wanamaker.
"We might as well go to the insane asylum for our men as to employ
cigarette smokers."- The late E. H. Harriman, railroad magnate.
"Cigarettes are ruining our children, endangering their lives,
dwarfing their intellects, and making them criminals, fast. The boys
who use them seem to lose all sense of right, decency, and
righteousness."- Judge Crane, of New York City.
"Cigarette smoking in the case of boys partly paralyzes the nerve cells
at the base of the brain, and this interferes with the breathing and
heart action. The end organs of the motor nerves lose their
excitability, next the trunks of the nerves, and then the spinal cord.
. . . The power of fine coordination is decidedly lost."- Prof. Sims Woodhead, of Cambridge University.
"The use of cigarettes affects the nervous system, weakens the willpower, and destroys the ability of the boy to resist temptation; and because
of this he easily falls a victim of those habits which not only
destroy the mind and soul, but irresistibly lead him into a violation of
the laws of the state."- George Torrance, superintendent Illinois State
Tobacco using is demoralizing in its general effects, and tends to
create an appetite for strong drink. It originated with the natives of
North America, the Indians. In November, 1492, when Columbus discovered
the island of Cuba, he sent two sailors to explore it, who, when they
returned, reported, among many other strange and curious discoveries,
that the natives carried with them lighted firebrands, and puffed smoke
from their mouths and noses, which they supposed to be the way the
savages had of perfuming themselves. They afterward declared that they
"saw the naked savages twist large leaves together, and smoke like
devils." Originating with the wild barbarians of America, the smoking
habit, after some years, was introduced into Europe, and was rapidly
adopted, not only by the lower classes, but by those in high authority,
even princes and nobles participating in the new intoxication. It has
since become well-nigh universal.
9. Where does intemperance often begin?
Intemperance often begins in the
home. Many who would not think of placing on their tables wine or liquor
of any kind will load them with food that creates a thirst for strong
with strong tea and coffee, injurious condiments, rich pastry,
highly seasoned foods, and the like.
10. What will drunkards, with other workers of iniquity, never inherit?
"Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, . . . nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
drunkards, . . . shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Cor. 6:9,10.
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